Our Philosophy
The objective of our business is to provide a high quality Medical Consulation & Care for our Clients.
We aim at providing EASY & UNCOMPLICATED Remedies for various Troublesome or Lifethreatening Disease.
Our Patients
Our Patients are from high segment of Society. We have as patients prominent persons from society, Film stars, Media
personalities, Industrialists, Corporate Honchos, Police Top Brass, Income Tax Top Brass, Bureaucrats, Businessmen, Working
Class Men & Women, Homemakers, Teachers, Professors, Doctors, Lawyers, others are repeatedly consulting us for various
RAO, (Presidents Awardee) has many achievements!
Prof. Dr.
Rao is qualified in medicine & graduated
from Mumbai. He has extensive education holding medical qualifications of MBBS,
MD PhD (Alternative Med) He is a fellow of Royal Society of Health FRSH (UK) He
is also qualified as Doctorate in Military Science & PhD in Law from UK
making him a triple doctorate. He has also a Doctor of Philosophy PhD from
Indiana. He has authored the book MIND RANGE in Philosophy. Till date he has
authored 8 Books. 3 of his books have been circulated by Army HQ & Home
has served for 20 years with Military as Guest Trainer in Close Quarter Op
Training. His exceptional work has got him decorated with rare Presidents Rank
Award (1 of 5 awards since independence) along with MS Dhoni & Abhinav
Bindra. He is also approved training resource by Indian Home Ministry for
specialized subjects.
He has been
a disbeliever in Drug Therapy
for healing. His doctoral thesis with Council of Alternative Medicine was about
using sound allopathic principles for therapy but shunning drug therapy. His doctrine
is Natural Healing via Lifestyle Modification, Nature therapy, Exercise Therapy
& Acid base balance.
His area
of expertise is NON INTERVENTIONAL
MANAGEMENT including prevention of By Pass surgery & Angioplasty,
Prevention of Joint Replacement & Organ Transplantations wherever patient
does not desire or consent. Helping patients to avoid non indicated
Chemotherapy for end stage malignancy / cancers. Treatment of Chronic diseases
by lifestyle modifications & manipulations. He is also a great protagonist
of treating terminal patients at home, giving them a dignified death without
intubating every orifice, avoiding ventilators & dialysis wherever
Rao was commissioned
into the Parachute
Regiment for his selfless work for the country spanning 20 years where Rao did
not charge any fee for his selfless dedication to the soil.
Dr. Rao is
extremely fit & is a 8th
Degree Blackbelt in Martial arts. He is avid practitioner of MMA sports. He
is a Marathon runner &
a SCUBA Diving Instructor with PADI, USA. He also belongs to Para Commando
battalion TA and is involved in anti terror training. His Fitness is infectious
to his patients.
Now Dr. Rao
is a director of Academy of
Fitness & Rehabilitation where Fitness activities like Executive Fitness,
Tai Chi Qi Gong & Kick Boxing for Stress management programs are available.
He is a avid
medical writer. His writings
against un-indicated surgery for By Pass, Angioplasty & Other Operations
has been regularly featured by Times of India, Sunday Times, Indian Express
Dr. Rao has
won US Presidents Volunteer
Service Award, USMA Hall of Fame & World Peace Award besides Home Ministers
citation as well as 3 Army Chief citations for his contribution.
Dr. Rao is
chief advisor for INH –
INSTITUTE OF NATURAL HEALING. He is also a guide for various Indian Councils of
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE. Being busy with Military & Authoring, Dr. Rao finds
less time for clinical practice. His belief is to see a few patients in great
detail rather than see multiple patients without doing enough justice. His
consultations span 90 minutes minimum sometimes spanning 2 hours per patient.
Review & Endorsements
Dr. M Kotari , Prof Emeritus
Medicine ,
Mumbai University
“This thoughtfully researched and worded text rests on the leit motif of
It also reveals another aspect: A doctor is defined as a
person who thinks that he is wiser than the wisdom of the patients body.
The history of medicine is a graveyard of so many popular and confident theories and treatments of the past . Moral
: doctors have proved wrong ;the body continued to behave right.
The Authors plea is: Trust the body and do not
F R I W A F T T -
( Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread ).
Time will show Dr. Raos innate faith in the marvelous wisdom of the animal
body as right.
Dr. Rao
PHD, (Alternative Med)FRSH (UK)CLET (USA)
Consultant Physician & Alternative Medicine Advisor
We are supported
by a Team of other Doctors, Dieticians, Physiotherpists, Rehab Therapists, etc
click to visit latest website on NATURAL HEALING
for consultations, SMS 9969022229 or call 9820496752 Appointments (Miss Helena)
Dont forget our website address
www . happyheal . com
This is an educative website with information on how the body has inherent healing mechanisms
for its survival. It in no way contradicts existing Scientific belief.
We call this "Alternative Cure" OR "Nature Therapy"
If you are suffering from Any Disease
and wish to avoid
Cumbersome Investigation, Invasive Intervention
Toxic Drugs & Dangerous Remedies
while following Scientific Logic,
You are Welcome to Consult Us !
DISCLAIMER: The information given here is general and not intended for specific patients.
Do not treat yourself without proper medical advice. Any information you may use from this website for self treatment is at
your own risk.
'Institute of Natural Healing'
Write to us For
appointment, fill the form above
Consultations At
various locations in Mumbai Call 9969022229 Only for appt (request no case discussions on phone)
For Overseas Patients
Telefonic and E Mail Consultations are
We are Doctors with previous Allopathic background.
We donot advocate any therapy that is
out of scientific bounds and objective logic.
Its just that we practice Medicine the way it should be...
Patient is always above Illness, Investigation & Therapy!
Disclaimer: The above viewpointspresented in
this website is the general ideology of the author based upon his clinical experience and is not to be applied by reader
blindly to any specific disease without prior consultation with your Doctor or with us. In that case, the author shall
bear no responsibility for the consequences of blind application based upon interpretation of information presented here without
medical guidance.
(Words of Wisdom from the Buddha)
Do Not Believe in the strength of Tradition
Even if they have been held
In honor for many Generations and many Places
Do not Believe Anything because many people speak of it
Do not Believe in the strength of the Sages of old times
Do not Believe that which You yourself have imagined
Thinking that a God has inspired you.
Believe nothing which depends only on Authority of
Your Master or of Priests
After Investigation, Believe That Which
You yourself have Tested and found Reasonable,
And which is for Your Good and that of Others.
Alternative Cure India is a Health Care Clinic in Mumbai India which believes in Nature Therapy and Natural Healing processes
within the body. It is a scientific approach to Chronic diseases like Coronary Blockage, Heart Disease to avoid Open Heart
Bypass surgery, Angioplasty, Hypertension & High Blood Pressure BP, Diabetes, Obesity, Duodenal Peptic Ulcer, Piles, Fissure,
Fistula, Colitis, Amoebic Dysentry, Paralysis, Bells Palsy, Stroke, Parkinsons, Parkinsonism, Asthma, ( Bronchial Asthama
), AIDS, HIV, Immunodeficiency, Thyroid problems, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Knee Pain Artritis, low back
pain & backache due to slip disc, spondylitis, cervical or lumbo sacral, Infections, Malaria, Typhoid, Dengue, Chicken
guinea, Leptospirosis, Hepatitis, Renal failure, UTI, Urinary Tract Infection, Kidney stones, Calculus, Cancer, Malignancy,
Breast CA, Prostate, Surgery, Joint replacement surgery, Hysterectomy, Uterus removal, Appendix, Bleeding disorders,
Excessive Menses, Menstrual problems, Fracture, Dislocation, C Section, Delivery, Caesarian, Forceps, Rheumatism, Eczema,
Psoriasis, Skin disease, Allergy, Diarhoea, Stools, Bleeding disorders, Leukemia, Anemia, Weakness, Impotence, Infertility,
Sexual problems, General weakness, other disease.