Minister 57 yrs, from UK went for
a routine Blood Test. He was diagnosed to have Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Chemotherapy was started immediately. As a result
of this, he developed Renal Failure. Today 10 years later, the cancer is not worrying him, but he is leading a Life strapped
to the Dialysis machine.
Annaji Bhadya, A 76 Yr old Retired Man, Mumbai developed gradual anemia. His Bone Marrow
biopsy showed a Blood Dyscrasia (Cancer). He was put on Nature Therapy. He started
walking, specific juice therapy &specific exercises. He decided against even
monitoring his cancer. He lived for 6 years and died gracefully of a heart attack in his sleep. The Cancer never bothered
ie CA
is believed that smoking causes Lung Cancer. Why then all lung cancer patients
are not smokers? Why is it that all smokers do not develop cancer? Do we not
question whether cancer is caused by carcinogens or because of DNA changes? Despite the noble prize winning discovery that
cancer is due to cellular genetic events? The body has suppressed genes, which normally suppresses cell proliferation and
prevent cancer from occurring.Thus CA could
be predetermined.
CA occurs in the senile cell , which have reduced
FCDC ,Finite cell div capacity , so when it divides in its last few multiplications , there
is a proneness to chromosomal
aberrations ,causing activation of cancer oncogenes , if there is a [ predetermined ] CA genome. Hence Cytotoxic agents can prepone a predetermined late cancer.
carcinogen has yet proved to be the cause of any particular cancer , in humans or in animals , in vitro or in vivo. Also everything under the sun including the sun itself has been considered as carcinogenic. The individual is left with
no choice for e.g. nulliparity increases the risk of CA Breast & Endometrium whereas parity increases the risk of CA cervix
microscope cannot detect cancer or precancer bcos there is no distinctive cellular feature of the Ca cell, Cytological research has revealed that the Ca cell is not a distinctive structural
entity.The Ca cell may be defined as one that has proved itself by behaving as such.The microscopic judgements often fail when ‘ cancerous’tissues behave non
cancerous & vice cersa. Cell & nuclear size & shape, cellular arrangements are diagnostic of any rapidly dividing
cell population & not cancer specific.
believe that if not treated early, cancer spreads from one site to another (Metastasis).
How do people operated for early Cancer then develop metastasis? When Cancer becomes diagnosable, it is many million
cells strong & quite a few years old. A CA cell
may lie dormant without behaving in a malignant manner for many years- the correct diagnosis in such cases is a “ lump
“ in the breast or elsewhere & not CA.
may ppte distant spread , even in Breast CA stage 1. Cancer per say doesn’t cause any troublesome symptoms except by mode of obstruction which may have to
be surgically relieved.
During complete remission of leukemia, induced by so called “curative
chemotherapy” , 100 to 1000 million leukemic cells still remain , making relapse inevitable. Remissions can also
be spontaneous in nature.
destroy many cell populations which divide faster than many a cancer , resulting in hair falling off, ulceration of skin ,
mouth & intestine , BM depression causing anemia & making the patient defenseless against infection. Therefore on basis of the presence of a few CA cells on biopsy coexisting harmoniously with its owner
, if premature treatment is undertaken ( eg leukemia ) , this might ppte an active leukemic stage by causing cellular death of dividing cells & in the process causing premature ageing of
cells & activating the CA genome.
in malignancy is usually due to cardiovascular disease.
Thus patients usually die with the CA than by it..
[ref s–NATURE of Cancer – by MLKothari & Lopa Mehta ]
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(Words of Wisdom from the Buddha)
Do Not Believe in the strength of Tradition
Even if they have been held
In honor for many Generations and many Places
Do not Believe Anything because many people speak of it
Do not Believe in the strength of the Sages of old times
Do not Believe that which You yourself have imagined
Thinking that a God has inspired you.
Believe nothing which depends only on Authority of
Your Master or of Priests
After Investigation, Believe That Which
You yourself have Tested and found Reasonable,
And which is for Your Good and that of Others.
Alternative Cure India is a Health Care Clinic in Mumbai India which believes in Nature Therapy and Natural Healing processes
within the body. It is a scientific approach to Chronic diseases like Coronary Blockage, Heart Disease to avoid Open Heart
Bypass surgery, Angioplasty, Hypertension & High Blood Pressure BP, Diabetes, Obesity, Duodenal Peptic Ulcer, Piles, Fissure,
Fistula, Colitis, Amoebic Dysentry, Paralysis, Bells Palsy, Stroke, Parkinsons, Parkinsonism, Asthma, ( Bronchial Asthama
), AIDS, HIV, Immunodeficiency, Thyroid problems, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Knee Pain Artritis, low back
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guinea, Leptospirosis, Hepatitis, Renal failure, UTI, Urinary Tract Infection, Kidney stones, Calculus, Cancer, Malignancy,
Breast CA, Prostate, Surgery, Joint replacement surgery, Hysterectomy, Uterus removal, Appendix, Bleeding disorders,
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